Procurement and Contracts

CAL offers a wide range of procurement services to public sector organisations. Generally, such services fall under the following headings:-


Direct Assistance to Project Teams

CAL is often engaged to undertake discrete pieces of work, such as the preparation of tender evaluation methodologies, or to assist and work directly with project teams in the development and implementation of procurement strategies and operational systems for individual schemes. Often this includes acting as the organisation’s professional advisor in respect of partnering and/or performance measurement.


Critical Reviews of Individual Contracts

Organisations appoint CAL to undertake critical reviews of specific contracts. This can be to provide assurance as to the robustness of current project management and reporting arrangements or to evaluate completed projects in order to learn lessons for the future. Such reviews automatically examine the extent to which current procedures comply with Industry best practice as well as UK and EU legislation.


Systems and Risk Based Audits

CAL examines organisation’s procurement policies, strategies and systems with a view to reducing risks and enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness. CAL has helped many Risk Managers and Heads of Internal Audit undertake procurement risk assessments, compile annual contract audit plans and deliver specific contract audit assignments. It has also helped Heads of Procurement review their organisation’s corporate procurement policies and associated procedures.