Company Details

Name of company : Contractauditline Ltd

Company registered in England [No. 6928231]


Registered Company Address: 5 Doolittle Yard, Froghall Road, Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2NW


Postal Address: Victory House, 400 Pavilion Drive, Northampton Business Park, Northampton NN4 7PA


Contact details

Tel: (+44) (0)1604 781897


Fax: (+44) (0) 1604 805330


VAT no. UK 975 8866 38

Data Protection Act


Contractauditline Ltd is registered under the 1998 Data Protection Act [Reg No Z2309301] and therefore undertakes to adequately safeguard the storage and transmission of all data received during the course of any  assignment that is considered to be of a personal and/or sensitive nature.

Professional Indemnity Insurance


Contractauditline Ltd holds professional indemnity insurance up to a limit of £5M (approx €5.5M) on an each and every basis, and is therefore able to indemnify clients against all actions, claims, damages, costs, charges and expenses in the unlikely event of any breach of contract by Contractauditline.

Ken Odgers holds a CIPFA Practising Certificate (No. PC00049), providing assurance that he is fit to practice and fully complies with CIPFA’s Standards of Professional Practice, Code of Ethics and CPD requirements.

Employer's and Public Liability Insurance


Contractauditline Ltd has employer’s liability and public liability insurances of £10M and £2M respectively.